For the past few weeks, I’ve been plagued with a fatal problem where FireFox is too heavy and too heavy to work with.
I tried as many options as I could when I gg, and uninstalled the security software, but it didn’t improve.
The following article caught my attention.
WordPress 5.3 のクラッシックエディタで文字入力が異常に重い | :: halation ghost ::
WordPress を 5.3 にバージョンアップした後に記事を書こうとして遭遇したトラブルについて書きます。WordPress 5.3 の Classc Editorタイトルを WordPress 5.3 としていますが、WordPres...
I also have some thoughts, and when I disabled the “All in One SEO PACK” being introduced, the weight so far disappeared like a lie.
…so if you’re confused by similar cases, it could be WordPress and plugins.
If the FireFox usage rate in Task Manager is stuck at 100% and you can’t fix it even after restarting many times, you should try it.